Nature’s Gold

As its name suggests, sunflower oil is extracted from the seeds of the ever-cheerful sunflower. Thanks to its neutral flavor, high smoke point, and nutritional benefits, it's a popular choice for cooking and various other applications.

Looking to liven up your ingredient list? Start your bulk sunflower oil order today with no minimum quantity required.

Production Process

At Gateway Food Products, we use advanced technologies and strict quality control to ensure that our vegetable oils maintain the highest standards.


Mid-oleic sunflower oil provides a balance of monounsaturated (74%) and polyunsaturated (17%) fats, perfect for high-heat cooking. Its low saturated fat content (9%) and rich Vitamin E make it a healthier choice for those seeking versatile yet nutritious ingredients.


An exceptionally high concentration of monounsaturated fats – 84% – makes high-oleic a top pick for health-conscious consumers. It also boasts low polyunsaturated and saturated fat content for products needing a lighter, healthier oil base.


High-linoleic sunflower oil is known for its rich polyunsaturated fat content, especially linoleic fatty acid. A moderate 25% monounsaturated fat and a low 9% saturated fat content bring nutritious value to numerous end products.

Common Applications

Just as the sunflower is a favorite among gardeners, its oil is popular in various industries and markets.

Why Sunflower Oil?

Few types of oils offer a combination of nutritional benefits, versatility, practicality, and sustainability. However, sunflower oil is rich in Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage. It’s also suitable for a wide range of culinary applications, from frying to salad dressing.

As natural, renewable (and beautiful) resources, sunflowers and their oils contribute to a more sustainable food system. Boasting a long shelf life that reduces waste and hefty storage costs, sunflower oil is an efficient yet smart choice.